Project Schemes

In exercise of the Power conferred by Section-21 of ODA Act, 1982, Cuttack Development Authority in its 40th Authority Meeting held on 19.06.1995 resolved the opening of Scheme Section. Formulations of scheme, pattern of funding for the Scheme are the main functions of the scheme section. Besides Scheme, other assignments like coasting of premises & plots of differents sectors are dealt in this section. The section functions under the direct supervision of Architect member now under the Engineer member.

As per the decision taken in the meeting, a sub­-committee constituted to decide the percentage of the loan to be availed for a particular scheme. The sub-committee consists of the following members.

  1. Vice-chairman. (Chairman)
  2. Architect Member (Member Convener)
  3. Finance & Accounts (Member)
  4. Engineer Member (Member)
  5. Planning Member (Member)
  6. M.L.A., Cuttack Town (Member)

(A) Sikharpur Housing Accommodation Scheme

Erstwhile GCIT now CDA was formulated a Housing Scheme "Sikharpur Housing Accommodation Scheme" Cuttack in the year 1972 to expand the area of Cuttack Town/ Municipality with a hope to provide facilities of the modern amenities like drinking water supply, sewerage & drainage system, roads street lights, schools, shopping centres etc to the people interested to live in

Cuttack. The Scheme was developed over an area of 125.234 acres of land. Out of which the saleable area is 89.264acres. The area was developed with an expenditure of Rs.1, 90, 07,933 .00 (Rupees one Crores ninety lakhs seven thousand nine hundred thirty three only) as on 31.03.1987.

The Scheme consists of 1702 plots, 127 houses, two School Sites, Parks, Community Places and Market Complex. The final costing was made as per the principle laid down by the Honorable High Court @ Rs.7.32 per sqft. The above scheme has already been completed since 1987. The management of roads, drainage etc. has also handed over to Cuttack Municipal Corporation for further development & maintenance.

In the 2nd phase in the year 1985 Cuttack Development Authority was formulated plotted development scheme over an area of 1893.00 acres at Bidanasi which is known as Market Nagar. A plan was prepared over the area diving into 15 sectors. The Sector-1 and Sector-12 are exclusively earmarked for Institutional and Commercial purpose. The infrastructure Development work of Sector-6, 7, 8,9,10 & 11 have been completed and the Sector-13 is under progress. Sector wise land use state­ment is placed herewith.

Plotted development Scheme in Bidanasi Project has been giving grand success to CDA & stand the Institution in one in the State of Orissa.

Market Complex

Cuttack Development Authority constructed Market Complexes at different area to provide market facilities to the resi­dents as well as to provide livelihood to the unemployed. So far CDA has allotted its 471 Nos. of Shops/Premises on rent basis and 580 Shops on lease basis.

Advertisement has been floated in different time in local newspaper for allotment of newly constructed shops at Periphery Market Complex, Buxibazar and Subhash Chandra Bose Arcade at Old Jail Premises, Darghabazar, Cuttack. Besides that, there are three Nos. of Kalyan Mandap Kalyan Mandaps which are in active operation.

Construction of Duplex House

73 nos. of H.I.G. houses/M.I.G, houses have been constructed at different sectors of Bidanasi Triangular Development Project on Joint Venture with M/s.Bhawani Construc­tions Pvt. Ltd. and sold out on hot cake basis. Further 90 (Ninty) Nos. of M.I.G. /H.I.G. Duplex Houses are under progress at Sector-9 on Joint Venture basis with M/s. K.Z.K. Developers.