Perspective Plan-Vision 2030

The Perspective plan has taken into consideration the following issues, already included in the Government’s Urban Development Strategy.

(a) Provide improved quality of life in urban areas with particular focus on the poor and other under - privileged sections of the population.

(b) The plan should be environmentally sustainable.

(c) Remove the regional disparities between the urban areas and their hinterland for a balanced development.

Broad Objectives of Perspective Plan-Vision 2030
(a) Create an economically self-sustaining area and major future growth centre of the state.
(i) Labor intensive development for employment generation.
(ii) Development with maximum forward and backward linkages for trickling down of the benefits to the population of the region.
(b)Reduce disparity in access to physical and social infrastructure within urban area and between urban and rural areas.
(c) Improvement in quality of life of the urban / rural poor socially disadvantaged population, elderly and disabled population.
(d)Divide the planning region into various manageable planning zones for convenient operation of various plans and making this an integral part of the urban system of the state.
(e) To decide on such future planning activities/functions those are commercially viable.
(f) Prepare a land use plan which should strike a balance between the two apparently conflicting interest i.e. meeting the growing demand for land associated with urbanization process in one hand and preservation of green verge wet lands for ecological balance on the other hand.
(g) Integrate the provisions of the Perspective Plan documents with the subsequent Comprehensive Development Plan preparation.