Details of Construction Area & Fee Structure

Sl.No Details of Construction Area Fee in Rupees
A Fee for development of land @Rs.0.50 per sq.meter
B Fee for Building Operation
1 For residential building (covered area on all floors)
(a) Upto 100 Sq. meter Rs.150.00
(b) Above 100 & Upto 150 Sq. meter Rs.225.00
(c ) Above 150 & Upto 300 Sq. meter Rs.300.00
(d) For every additional 50 Sq. meter or part thereof Rs.300.00
2 For commercial building (business ,mercantile, shop, hotels, public assembly building, show rooms, business offices, godowns, warehouse, banks, cinema, theatre, clubs etc)
(a) Upto 20 sq.meter Rs.250.00
(b) Above 20 & Upto 50 sq. meter Rs.375.00
(c)For every additional 50sq. meters or part thereof. Rs.500.00
3 For Industrial Building (covered area on all floors)
(a) Upto 150 Sq. meter Rs.750.00
(b) For every additional 150sq.mtrs or part thereof (educational , religious, charitable, government of local bodies): (covered area of all floors ) Rs.500.00
4 For Public Buildings (educational , religious, charitable, government of local bodies): (covered area of all floors ) @ Rs. 0.50 per sq. meter