BCUC Vision Statement for 2030

Bhubaneswar Cuttack Urban Complex (BCUC) will act as the major urban agglomeration in the state of Orissa. A major boost in the image of the region is essential, which would open up avenues for investment, opportunities of employment and consequently, raise the economy of the region.

Bhubaneswar Cuttack Urban Complex (BCUC) will act as the major urban agglomeration in the state of Orissa. A major boost in the image of the region is essential, which would open up avenues for investment, opportunities of employment and consequently, raise the economy of the region.

Economic Growth:
To illustrate, real growth needs to jump from 4.39 percent that it was between 1993-94 and 2001-02 to 8-9 percent over the next decade, thus creating more than one million additional jobs.
Significant improvement is required in both mass and private transportation.
Private developers to be encouraged to meet the housing shortfall. Some of the aspirations must include slum development and improvement with a view to provide shelter for the people living below the poverty line, aiming at a slum-less BCUC.
Utilities & Services (Water, Sewerage, Drainage and Solid waste):

The availability of safe drinking water, adequate in quantity to the complete population can be rated as one of the most critical issues of BCUC.

For example, the distribution system coverage should increase from 57% to 100% in BMC. The level of infrastructure available for sanitation and drainage is to be drastically modified for effective management.

The total solid waste generation expected in BCUC would be 2347 MT/day as on 2031 and the collection performance should increase from <10-50 to 100% in most of the areas of BCUC.

Social Infrastructure:

In BCUC, distribution of facilities at all levels need to be stressed to satisfy the varying demands for health, education, culture and recreation for all.

Tourism & Heritage:

Heritage and cultural aspects can play significant roles in the future growth and development of the BCUC region. Both local and international tourism offers scope of promotion of heritage in BCUC. Various festivals, crafts, skills and events are to be integrated in the main stream of development.


One of the benchmark of vision 2030 would involve mobilizing capital for infrastructure as well as adopting all innovative financial options for mobilizing resources including efficiency in augmenting revenue finance.

Environmental Management:

It is important to have meaningful interactions between the public, industries and the authorities to provide sustainable alternatives to reduce the industrial pollution and provide a clean air environment for healthy habitations. Earthquake resistant guidelines and cyclone/flood control measures need to be addressed in the plan.


An immense improvement is needed in governance. Capacity building of all tiers of institutions, adopting GIS and internet based functioning would facilitate the time required for the key process of planning and building approvals to be reduced from 100 days to less than 30 days.

Setting these quantitative targets will help calibrate the impact of the various initiatives and recommendations along measurable parameters.